Some of the properties advertised on Newcastle Homes are subject to a local lettings policy. This means that extra criteria will apply to these properties. Properties subject to a local lettings policy will only be offered to people who meet the specific criteria for that property. The local lettings policies that apply in Newcastle are detailed below.
What are local lettings policies?
We offer homes to people in line with our Allocations and Lettings Policy. Sometimes, our homes are subject to extra criteria. This is called a Local Lettings Policy.
Homes that have a local lettings policy are subject to extra criteria. This means that these homes will only be offered to applicants who meet the criteria.
Examples of the extra criteria are that tenants must be:
- are above or below a particular age
- have a connection to a local area
- have an assessed need for specialist housing
An LLP will apply to specific properties, for example:
- homes of a particular type, like bungalows
- those at a specific location, like a block or blocks of flats, or an area or estate
- homes with special adaptations
The purpose of a LLP may be to help:
- meet unmet needs within an area
- target the best use of properties in higher demand areas
- promote properties which are in low demand
- regenerate an area through different management arrangements
- tackle homelessness
- encourage greater community cohesion and sustainability
- respond to issues such as anti-social behaviour, nuisance or crime
Introducing new and reviewing existing local lettings policies
All local lettings policies are managed in acordance with the procedures detailed in Local Leetings Policies - Policy and Procedures for Implementation and Review.
How will I know if an local lettings policy applies to a property?
Some of the homes advertised on Newcastle Homes are subject to a local lettings policy. If they are then we will only offer them to people who meet the specific criteria for that property. . Applicants may still be able to bid for these properties but their bids will be skipped if they do not meet the LLP criteria.
Please note that this page is currently being updated.
Supported Housing Schemes
Supported housing schemes are for applicants who have have a learning, or intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder or traumatic brain injury. The properties in these schemes are offered to applicants through the Supported Housing Allocations Panel. The selection process and criteria is datailed in the policy below.
Selection Process and Criteria for Supported Housing Schemes
Assisted living Schemes
Assisted living schemes are housing schemes for people who are over 55 and who have an identified care need. he properties in these schemes are offered to applicants through the Assisted Living Panel. The selection process and criteria is datailed in the policy below.
Selection Process and Criteria for Extra Care Housing for Older People
Augusta Close, Brunswick
Landlord - Newcastle City Council
A Local Lettings Policy applies to two council owned four-bedroom bungalows located in Augusta Close, Brunswick. The local lettings policy was introduced to ensure that these properties are allocated to the households whose needs are best matched to this accommodation type and to make the best use of the housing stock.
Applicants will be selected for an allocation in order of housing need and as detailed in NCC’s Allocations and Lettings Policy.
Properties will be allocated in order of the preferences detailed below however other factors will be taken into consideration in order to make the best use of this property type. Such other factors will include consideration of households who have multiple household members with a requirement for level access, or households with complex and multiple health needs that could only be met through the allocation of this property type.
- The household has been assessed as requiring a four – five bedroom property with internal wheelchair circulation space.
- The household has been assessed as requiring a four- five bedroom property and has a health need for level access accommodation.
- The household will under occupy the property but has been assessed as requiring internal wheelchair circulation space.
Applicants who do not meet the above preferences will not be made an allocation unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Any allocations will be agreed by the Occupational Therapist, Housing Manager (Kenton), Senior Manager – Housing Services and the Allocations and Lettings Officer, FHU.
Direct lets may be made in accordance with the Allocations and Lettings Policy.
This LLP was agreed on the 9th October 2023.
Marley Court & Thornton Court, Kenton
Landlord - Newcastle City Council
A Local Lettings Policy applies to properties located in Marley and Thornton Court to assist us to reduce issues with anti-social behaviour and to create a more secure and sustainable environment for existing residents, particularly those that are vulnerable
All applicants will be subject to additional conditions to those set out in the Allocation and Lettings Policy. Allocations will be determined by a panel decision comprising of Housing Services Manager (Kenton), Specialist Safe Living Partner & Support and Progression Manager.
Applicants will be required to:
- Agree to a Police Check/Safe Estates Check.
- Agree to a Landlord Reference Check (if applicable) with specific questions relating to conduct in tenancy and any instances of substantiated complaints of ASB.
Allocations will only be made to applicants if,
- Police Check/Safe Estates Check confirms that the applicant and any members of the household have no unspent convictions for: o Violent criminal offences which would be considered a threat to the community o Sex offences which would be considered a threat to the community o Using or allowing a property to be used for illegal or immoral purposes, including offences involving illegal drugs. o Other drug related offences o Any other conviction which would in our opinion, pose a threat to a community.
- There has been no civil enforcement action for anti-social behaviour taken in the last 12 months.
- A Landlord Reference Check confirms that there have been no issues in relation to the conduct of any tenancy held within the last five years, such as breaking the terms of the tenancy agreement and damage to the property or any communal areas, and that there have been no instances or complaints of ASB.
- There have been no reports or convictions for serious anti-social behaviour in or around the property or in the locality of the property, for example: nuisance or annoyance to neighbours, discriminatory behaviour or harassment, violence and intimidation.
- There have been no reports of criminal activity made to the Safe Living Team or the Police. • We have no reports of the applicant having been a perpetrator of domestic abuse including harassment, stalking, threatening behaviour and controlling or coercive behaviour
- There have been no incidents of abuse, violence or threats towards a member of staff.
- The panel has significant concerns about any risk posed to an applicant who is considered to be vulnerable and where appropriate support cannot be provided in order to mitigate any risk. In these cases panel may consider prior knowledge of the applicant and information from other services such as Adult and Childrens Social Care. Some or all of the criteria may be disregarded in exceptional circumstances and for good housing management reasons. In these cases, a Senior Manager will be included in the panel and decision-making process.
Some or all of the criteria may be disregarded in exceptional circumstances and for good housing management reasons. In these cases, a Senior Housing Manager will be included in the panel and decision-making process.
This LLP was agreed on 19th March 2024.
Pottery Bank, Walker
Landlord - Newcastle City Council
A Local Lettings Policy applies to council owned properties that have been identified for demolition in Merton Road, Windhill Road and Oldfield Road, Walker. The local lettings policy was introduced to give additional preference to the tenants of these properties to assist then to secure a new home home as quickly as possible.
Properties will be allocated in order of the preferences detailed below:
- Applicants with a Band A priority award.
- Applicants who are the named tenant or owner occupier of the properties located in Merton Road, Oldfield Road and Windhill Road that have be identified for demolition.
- All other applicants in accordance with normal shortlisting criteria as detailed in NCC’s Allocations and Lettings Policy.
All applicants must meet any property specific criteria such as an assessed need for level access or adaptations in order for an allocation to be made.
Applicants must be qualifying for Newcastle Homes.
If a number of applicants benefiting from this LLP bid for the same property, we will offer the property to the applicant who submitted their housing register application first. If the applicants can’t be separated at this stage, as a final tie breaker the property will be offered to the applicant who has been in their current home the longest.
The LLP will cease to be in effect upon the rehousing of all affected tenants and owner occupiers currently residing in Merton Road, Oldfield Road and Windhill Road.
This LLP was agreed on the 21st March 2024.
Landlord - Place for People
A Local Lettings Agreement (LLA) applies to the Places for People new build two and three bedroom properties on Walker Road. The local lettings policy was introduced to give additional preference to the tenants of the property in Pottery bank that have been identified for demolition to assist them to secure a new home home as quickly as possible.
Properties will be allocated in order of the preferences detailed below:
- Applicants with a Band A priority award.
- Applicants who are the named tenant or owner occupier of the properties located in Merton Road, Oldfield Road and Windhill Road that have be identified for demolition.
- All other applicants in accordance with normal shortlisting criteria as detailed in NCC’s Allocations and Lettings Policy.
All applicants must meet any property specific criteria in order for an allocation to be made. The three bedroom bungalows are excluded from the LLA.
Applicants must be qualifying for Newcastle Homes.
If a number of applicants benefiting from this LLP bid for the same property, we will offer the property to the applicant who submitted their housing register application first. If the applicants can’t be separated at this stage, as a final tie breaker the property will be offered to the applicant who has been in their current home the longest.