In Newcastle we have a range of housing options available for young people aged 16 - 25. These are provided by the council and Registered Providers.
These services are usually accessed via
Young People's Service
The Young People's Service support young people aged 16-25 to find a home, move in, and manage their tenancy. They provide young people with practical and emotional support and access to housing to prepare them for independence and achieving their full potential, as well as offering emergency accommodation and semi-independent living.
They can offer supported accommodation or regular appointments in your own home.
They have two separate sites for young person's supported accommodation; a ten bed hostel at Lansdowne Crescent in Gosforth and a block of sixteen supported accommodation flats in North Kenton.
The Young People's Service offer help in all areas of living in your home, including:
- Managing your own home and bills
- Moving into supported accommodation
- Accessing training or employment
- Emotional & physical wellbeing
- Drugs & alcohol support
- Parenting & relationships
- Crime & offending
- Getting involved in your community.
A support worker will meet you regularly in your home and help you with anything that affects your tenancy and how you feel about it.
Young People's Service
Young people at at risk of homelessness can access this service by phoning the Housing Advice Centre on 0800 1707 008 from 1pm-4pm, Monday to Friday.
Outside of these hours, the out of hours duty worker is available by calling 0191 278 7878.